27, white, Libra, he/it, Old Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Jasper. Punk. Gay Ace. Theatre sound+LX tech. Street photographer. Furry - Therian/Otherkin. https://www.instagram.com/mechanicalmelancholy/Ngl I would put up offers for hookups and such but the asexuality and sexual trauma run wild in me and I need months to vet someone before I can even let them touch me RIP
about 4 hours agopiece of shit and this year has done nothing but teach me I'm an expendable work machine not worth love or allowed to have boundaries and I just want to go back to my stupid fuckin city and get back to working as I always goddamn do.
Merry fuckin christmas.
kinda have a crush on someone who isn't the guy who's been fucking me up for months now and who my friends say to give up on. But also she's so out of my league holy shit.
1 day agoBarely out of corporate AV busy season and I go right into work again at 8am the day after boxing day. Out of town dealing with family right til then. 10 hour load-in and lighting hang day for the show run I'll be running for a couple weeks. Sleepy.
1 day agoI'm proud of being aspec. If others say your sexuality hurts them, that's not on you to angst over, that's on them.
Let yourself be you.
Stay asleep for the life of me.
I'm back to talking to the guy who broke my heart even though my friends very much said not to. Because I'm fuckin stupid.
Leaning heavily like I wanna date another therian really. And also another ace-spectrum person.
Really narrowing the dating pool down to tiny bits lmao. I'm such a picky dog.
Is there an afterparty for Fentanyl and Machine Girl
None of my friends here with me are cis ngl
My friends that I'm at the concert with are a couple and keep making out but I have nobody to kiss :(
8 days agoSooooo good but so short :')
I'm guessing the venue schedule cut her off so much