23, mixed poc, Gemini, they/them, New York, New York, United States
eclectic creative, furry, animatronic/mascot/robot liker, stoner, audhd haver. every gender and also no gender. weird in a way youll likeim def masc presenting but in a relationship I wanna be the femme to someone's butch so bad.... fellas is it wrong to wanna be someone's boyfriend but still get treated like a princess 😔
22 days agosurrounded by ppl who Have Coughs, like not just cough once or twice but a Persistent Cough and not a single one is masking I'm gonna start swinging. why am I the only one masking if I'm the only one who isn't sick. did everyone forget covid. I feel like I'm going crazy
23 days agotumblr become TIRF central. saw a post this morning abt being gnc transfem and a transmasc replied w their experiences being gnc and they got dogpiled for it like "we are nothing alike" and it's. confusing and hurtful honestly! idk why ppl are so mean to their own community there
23 days agoyou can just trick ur brain into having healthier mindsets on shit. I can just build myself into the kind of person I want to be. no longer stuck thinking "I want to be happier but I guess this is just who I am". it's still hard work but. man what a fuckin relief
23 days agowell right now im really into animatronics from a restaurant chain that hasn't been relevant in 40+ years, a video game that came out almost 15 years ago, and one of the most popular tv shows currently airing. so I don't really know either
27 days agodecades past, but I know in my heart that the sad truth is if I actually lived in those decades I'd just be yearning for something even older lmao. also I'd get hatecrimed SO bad but that goes without saying lol
about 1 month agoasked the cards about my art and I pulled page of pentacles, the tower, and the hanged man. it's funny but also What The Hell
about 1 month agolet my boss not come into work for the rest of the week. please. PLEASE. ok thanks amen or whatever 🙏
about 1 month ago(as in purely based on looks) it's men who look like they belong in a 70s-80s rock band and women who look like 40s-50s housewives. hand me a guy who looks like young bruce springsteen or a girl who looks like mrs maisel and I'll swoon. judge me accordingly or smth
about 1 month agoboss asking a lot of me today + I put my foot down abt it + he said he'd give the work to someone else + I just feel guilty now. i cant ever assert my own boundaries without feeling like i must've manipulated or scared them into it after. why does getting better feel bad so often
about 1 month ago