21, white, Scorpio, it/its/she, Lindsborg, Kansas, United States
the 2 is part of the name. tomboy dollthingvisiting a girl who works from home and gotta wait like 2 hours till shes done and can play with this one and its *torture*
so fucking needyyyyy
they made the statue of liberty a woman
about 8 hours agoare there rules here??? very down for the vibes-based regulation of posts
1 day agogood puppies listen to their copilot. bad puppies crash.
2 days agowe have enough kinky stories between pilot and handler, what we need now is the same dynamic but its a rally driver and navigator. send post.
2 days agofeels so fucking good ~v~
3 days agoreading 25% of a book, finding a new book, and repeating the cycle
4 days ago(guard crawling up to the fortress gate, trailing his own lifeblood) breasts... image......
5 days agolanded in home city finally, cannot wait to get to bed. they need to invent methods of long distance travel that don't weigh on your psyche and soul. trains, perhaps...
6 days agotrip to visit wife is over and already crying from how much this one misses her
this sucks