29, white, Scorpio, any/they,
Trans Genderweird Dyke.Love looking like I have Character Design
Dropping a few hints within view of my crush today. Nothing direct but we do a little vaguing for fun. Just in the spirit of valentines day!
20 days agoThis sucks ass (positive). I finally have something to agonize over other than the world going to hell. What the fuck am I supposed to do besides sit and pine? We've been freinds for 15 years and I am not going to fuck that up.
25 days agohow strange it is to break
without breaking, to change
without becoming something new:
this unruly fluttering pinned fast to the board,
pigment penned behind glass
helping caterpillars cross the tracks
and make for the lakeshore
the september before I shed my skin,
you never asked me why
and I never answered.
it was safer that way:
still shelled in that
which might poison your tongue,
distance was our kindness.
It's all fun and games until the dev promotes the app on a site frequented by small minded chuds with god complexes. Delete anything you don't want your boss to see.
about 1 month ago